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Ashtyn 2.0 george carlin youtube

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“Whether it’s just something I continue with or a stepping stone, I think it’s a good start for me.” “I’m a huge NBA fan and I read all the blogs and articles about the NBA and I just really enjoy that style of writing,” Gracia said. Growing up in the area and loving basketball, it was natural for him to become a Wizards fan. “As an athlete, covering another athlete, I know which part of the game is important to write about,” said Gracia, who came to Mason from Rockville, Md. Gracia, who wants to be a print or electronic journalist (preferably covering the NBA), has covered several events for Connect2Mason.īoth feel that being a student-athlete and having competed as well as having actual relationships with the people they’re covering has been a help, not a hindrance.

ashtyn 2.0 george carlin youtube

She also runs for the track and field team. Moss, who hopes to do to television or radio broadcasting in the future, has done color commentary for some of the men’s soccer Internet broadcasts. Moss was named second-team All-CAA after scoring two goals and handing out three assists from the back line as the women’s soccer team made the CAA Tournament and finished with a final RPI of 76. Gracia played in the midfield for the men’s soccer team this year with a goal and three assists as the Patriots finished 8-7-2 and had a final RPI of 64. Ryan Gracia and Kimmy Moss have been both players and media in the fall season. How would you like to go to work every day and have hundreds of people, sometimes thousands, watching your every move and criticizing your every mistake? Wouldn’t you relish the opportunity to switch roles and be one of the ones doing the critiquing? Well that’s the opportunity that a couple of Mason student-athletes have had the past few months. Gracia and Moss Turn the Tables, Going From Player to Commentator

Ashtyn 2.0 george carlin youtube